Hello world!

Welcome to my personal webage. My name is Stefano Genetti. I’m currently a student at the University of Trento, enrolled in the Master’s degree in Computer Science. My journey into the world of computer science began at a young age when my father introduced me to a computer, igniting a lifelong passion for this captivating field. My curiosity spans across diverse realms of computer science, encompassing topics from data science and artificial intelligence to distributed systems. Presently, I invest most of my time in the following activities:

BLM Research Internship I am currently participating in a research internship with BLM Group, working under the guidance of Alberto Longobardi, the Production Director at BLM, and Professor Giovanni Iacca. The primary focus of my project is to explore the concept of digital twins and to develop simulation optimization algorithms. Our goal is to create innovative solutions and identify potential issues within the company’s supply chain, ultimately enhancing its efficiency and effectiveness.

Hypergraph Summarization Research I’m contributing to a research project under the supervision of Professor Alberto Montresor, PhD student Francesco Lotito, Giulia Preti (Researcher at CENTAI). With our work, we are introducing the first algorithmic solution to the novel problem of Hypergraph Summarization. Our aim is to publish a scientific paper based on our findings.

E-Agle Trento Racing team I’m excited to be part of the University of Trento’s Formula Student Team. Here, my primary focus is on developing software solutions for the creation of a perceptron system for our autonomous vehicle competing in Formula Driverless competitions. Specifically, we’re working on a visual SLAM solution that combines the ORB-SLAM3 algorithm with YOLO. This system allows the vehicle to localize itself on the track while identifying cones and their coordinates to construct a map of the circuit.

Beyond my academic commitments, I enjoy engaging in various projects. In the recent years, the university occupies most of my time, as a consequence, my main extracurricular activities revolve around providing technical support to individuals, such as hardware repairs and consultancy. Living in a small village, I’m often the go-to person for technical assistance. I also have a passion for developing software solutions, including websites, web applications and management software for small clients.

Curriculum vitae

Version June the 7th, 2024
Version October the 22nd, 2023


Please do not hesitate to contact me!

  • institutional email address: stefano.genetti@studenti.unitn.it
  • personal email address: stefanogenetti2000@gmail.com